Been on my wishlist for a long time, but it got sold out sooo quick last year so I’m very happy I found it last week. Purchased in on the Prada website and picked it up in store here in Stockholm. <3
Been on my wishlist for a long time, but it got sold out sooo quick last year so I’m very happy I found it last week. Purchased in on the Prada website and picked it up in store here in Stockholm. <3
Innehåller en annonslänk//contain one adlink. From Other Stories! Perfect for spring. <3
Innehåller annonslänkar//contain adlinks. Jeans // Trench //
Innehåller annonslänkar//contain adlinks. Toteme Jeans // Lisa Yang Knit // Flattered Shoes
Innehåller annonslänkar//contain adlinks. Stylein Jacket // Scarf