Innehåller annonslänkar//contain adlinks. Toteme Coat // Jeans from Aglode // Toteme belt // Filippa K knit (old similar here) // Saint Laurent bag // Nathalie Schutterman sunglasses // Chanel Ballerinas //
Innehåller annonslänkar//contain adlinks. Toteme Coat // Jeans from Aglode // Toteme belt // Filippa K knit (old similar here) // Saint Laurent bag // Nathalie Schutterman sunglasses // Chanel Ballerinas //
Innehåller annonslänkar//contain adlinks. Stylein Jacket // Filippa K jeans // Arket Boots // Stylein knit
Innehåller annonslänkar//contain adlinks. Stylein jacket // Flattered boots // Filippa K tights // Stylein knit // Celine bag Ok 50/50 on the poll about what blogpost you wanted, so I guess this is a mix between: Rainy Monday Look and Monday Wishlist! It’s raining, and I want it all. Great look if you ask me!
Innehåller annonslänkar//contain adlinks. Link to knit I’m wearing, pants and this cashmere blanket (on my wishlist!) STEAM TO FRESH UP. Steam to fresh them up- We have this small handsteamer and this big one and that one works amazing! Love to steam everything at home haha, pillows, bedsheets, clothes etc. It’s just so fresh […]
Innehåller annonslänkar//contain adlinks. Acne Blazer // Arket boots // Jil Sander body // Arket Leather skirt // Bottega pouch // Valentino Earrings //