Black Down Puffer Jackets
Innehåller annonslänknar//contain adlinks. Filippa K // 2. Arket // 3. Acne // 4. Busnel 5. Filippa K // 6. Arket // 7. Monki // 8. Weekday // Time to get ready for the cold. 8 of my fav down puffer jackets this year!
Innehåller annonslänknar//contain adlinks. Filippa K // 2. Arket // 3. Acne // 4. Busnel 5. Filippa K // 6. Arket // 7. Monki // 8. Weekday // Time to get ready for the cold. 8 of my fav down puffer jackets this year!
Innehåller annonslänkar//Reklam för Arket//Contain adlinks and advertisment for Arket. Link to jacket // Link to tights // Link to sneakers // Link to beanie // You know I love Arket and I also love that they work with recycled fabrics. They just launched a new recycled down campaign, ”Upcycled down” which I think is great. The down […]
Innnehåller annonslänkar/contain adlinks. Checked coat //
Innehåller annonslänkar//contain adlinks. Toteme Jacket // Boots // Slip Top // Beanie and gloves // Beige Trousers // Black Knit // Candle // Grey denim // Chanel Nailpolish // White knit // Can’t belive it’s already November. Time flies! This is a really dark month in Sweden, so cosy clothes are required.